Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Tricks to increase your blog traffic

you are a blogger or a website owner, you want to be sure that your blog has a good traffic.Than certain questions arising in your mind, "How can I improve my blog traffic?"
You may ever find the information in this Internet.Allright, some of you may have already know, how the answers to this questioni.But I have a few tricks to increase your blog traffic, may also as a reflection of you, here are a few tricks :
  • Write your blog content is more.If you want to increase your blog traffic, you should write the content of your blog better, interesting, and will continue qualified.So the visitors back to your the blog.Because visitors feel getting solutions on your blog that you wrote.Keep making a post to be interesting and good quality.

  • Design and layout of your design better.If disorganized, difficult navigation, and color does not fit with the vision or the full error, visitors certainly will not be long in your blog.
  • Try using the domain name of yourself. I'm sure when you use your own domain name will be the more traffic in your blog or Site.Many people will more easily remember the URL of your blog and you will seem more professional.
  • Post to the other blog .Make for any posts you posted on the his blog.so rather let him promote you.With writings on the blog so there will be a barter information automatically, and your blog will get more traffic.
  • Immediate response and comment email.people would like interactive blog that the owner immediately and respond to comments and incomer email.If you do that so many loyal readers and liketo you.Next, your blog will get a high traffic.
  • Do not waste your time to follow the programs profit money as PTC, PTR, Pay to Surf or some like that.It does not like anything but only time will remove you.Still contain high quality writing and interesting, with the traffic will come itself.
  • In the posting you, ask you blog readers on some questions.The reader will feel happy if they are considered important part.And will be pleased to exchange comment.The reader invited respect to a question or a problem and provide certainty .They will give more comments and automatically,traffic getting high.
  • Submit your blog to search engine.mayoritas traffic obtained from a blog search engine.When visitors to search and find the keyword you will get traffic on your web . And remember you must still write the content of the new blog so that you have a ranking in the search engine.
  • Sign Up for a Yahoo Answer.In Yahoo Answer you can answer questions and help other people who want it.Inbox where you can write down the source of you . answer questions and have a link to your blog as the source.
  • Place an ad on Google Adwords, if you have more money does not have one you buy ads on Google Adwords.They will be interested to click on the blog.Part of them will be interested and will become your loyal readers .this is the best way to improve traffic.

Tips mempromosikan Blog

Promosi merupakan alat yang paling ideal untuk mendatangkan pengunjung ke blog anda.Jika anda mempunyai blog tanpa mempromosikannya ibarat mencari jarum dalam setumpukan jerami.Sangatlah sulit bagi pengunjung untuk mencari blog anda.Saya akan memberikan beberapa cara yang mungkin bagi beberapa netter sudah tahu,tapi saya harap akan memberi manfaat bagi yg belum mengetahuinya,seperti:
  • Membangun komunitas blog

cara promosi ini dengan saling mengunjungi blog satu sama lain,memberi komentar dan mengundang mereka masuk ke blog anda .Dgn begitu anda akan berinteraksi dg teman anda melalui blog.selanjutnya akan terjalinlah sebuah komunitas.

  • Meletakkan pada search engine

search engine adalah fasilitas terpenting dalam internet untuk mencari segala informasi yang begitu luas.dengan mendaftar pada search engine,maka anda akan terhubung dg index pencarian mereka sehingga jika ada pencarian yg melibatkan index,situs anda akan ditampilkan.

  • Banner exchange(pertukaran banner)

Metode ini dilakukan dg cara tukar menukar papan promosi.caranya anda memasang nama blog anda ke blog lain sebaliknya biarkan mereka memasang nama blog mereka ke dalam situs anda agar bisa saling berpromosi.

  • Mailing list atau email

email bisa juga sebagai media promosi blog anda, dengan cara memasang nama blog anda sebagai catatan kaki setiap surat yg anda kirimkan.

Sebagai tambahan berikut saya cantumkan daftar situs pencari populer:



















Semoga bermanfaat buat anda.............!

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